Thursday, 26 January 2012

Goole shipbuilding

My Goole students have recently been studying the shipbuilders of the town. We started by looking at the early builders such as John Gutteridge, George Outwin, James Wake and John and Thomas Day who had small yards, mostly on Canal side.

Then we have looked at the bigger yard on Vermuyden Terrace, on the bank of the Dutch River founded by John Pilkington and run successfully until his death in 1886 by Thomas Scott.

Eventually this yard went into receivership and was rescued by the Craggs family. This began a long association between the family and the town of Goole. Even I, who knew then little about shipbuilding, was very grateful to receive a Craggs memorial grant when I left GGS - although I do not think that I knew then what the connection was between the name and Goole.

We have been looking at some amazing pictures of ships being launched from between a row of houses and learning of Goole ships coming to grief in various parts of the world. It is a fascinating part of Goole's history.

On the domestic front I have had some winter flu bug and Molly does not understand why her long walks have not been happening. Roll on spring. At least the snowdrops have appeared and are carpeting the garden.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Susan, I came across your site whilst researching the Outwin family tree and George William Outwin, ship builder of Goole. If you have any info on him I would very much be interested.
    Many Thanks for your help
