Monday, 6 February 2012

Goole cricket history

I have recently been asked whether I have any information about when Goole cricket club was formed. I have some pictures but not much about the history of the club.

I am still searching but have come up with the newspaper clipping below which is from the Hull newspaper and describes a match in  August 1849 between a Howden team and a team from Reedness. At the bottom of the report is a mention of a possible match with the Goole Cricket club.

If anyone can add any more about the  early history of the club I should be grateful.

It is very cold today and there was a fall of snow, the first of this winter, on Saturday night. Unfortunately it was, for me 'the wrong sort of snow' as it managed to worm its way through the slates on the front part of the house roof  and collect in the loft. We only knew about it when it began to melt on Sunday morning.


  1. Hi Susan:
    I discovered your blog by googling my name, Kathleen Lidster, which led me to your Howdenshire History site first. I was so surprised to see the photo of Goole Grammar School, class of 1959 posted there, with me on the front row! I have that very same photo posted on my blog when I wrote about my time of living in Goole. You can find my stories here, if you are at all interested:
    You'll need to scroll down to the post of September 9,2008 and work your way backwards - just 4 posts, I think. We moved to Goole because my dad took over the management of the Station Hotel (I write about that). My time in Goole was not pleasant, but it was more my attitude than anything, having just moved from the love of my life - the ocean at Bridlington and Flamborough Head! On this section of my blog I also write about my exchange trip to Germany through the school - quite a disaster! You will also see the photo of my sister's wedding, taken in front of the Methodist Church.

    I've enjoyed browsing through your blog and the website. Well done on writing the history of Goole - what an undertaking that must have been. I have just had a history book published, also, so I know somewhat the incredible amount of research you must have been through!

    I haven't been through the whole of your blog yet, so must get back to it.

    Thanks for the memories, and if by chance you need to contact me, you can do so at

    Best regards
    Kathleen Lidster

  2. I have read and enjoyed your blog already. It is very interesting. I particularly sympathise with your exchange experience. I went on an exchange to Waterloo in Belgium from GGS.The family could speak good English but the father was very strict and said that I was there to speak French and so I spoke no English for 3 weeks. I did not enjoy it. Susan
